
The Superiority of Surplus: An Interview with Daniel Loick




Surplus Populations, Surplus Resistance, Counter-Communities, Abolition, Standpoint Theory, Riots


This interview was conducted in the Summer of 2024 as part of a publishing project about surplus populations and their modes of resistance for the Flemish literary journal nY. Lietje Bauwens and Tivadar Vervoort interviewed Daniel Loick for the occasion of his newest book, Die Überlegenheit der Unterlegenen (Suhrkamp 2024), which discusses a standpoint-theoretical approach to the politics of counter-communities—marginalized social groups that develop better forms of life than those typical of hegemonic social formations.

Biografieën auteurs

Tivadar Vervoort, Université de Namur/KU Leuven

Tivadar Vervoort is a postdoctoral researcher at Université de Namur and a affiliated member of Research in Political Philosophy and Ethics (RIPPLE) at KU Leuven. He is also an editor of Krisis.

Lietje Bauwens

Lietje Bauwens lives in Brussels and researches the aesthetics of spatial resistance strategies, and artistic methods to capture them. She has created the films WTC A Love Story (2020) and WTC A Never-ending Love Story (2023). She was a 2018-19 resident at the Jan van Eyck Academy and is editor and secretary of nY.

Daniel Loick, University of Amsterdam

Daniel Loick is associate professor of political and social philosophy at the University of Amsterdam. His main research interests include critiques of state violence (prisons, police, borders) and the politics of life forms. His publications include five books: Kritik der Souveränität (Frankfurt 2012, Eng. transl. A Critique of Sovereignty, 2018), Der Missbrauch des Eigentums (Berlin 2016, Eng. transl. The Abuse of Property, 2023), Anarchismus zur Einführung (Hamburg 2017), Juridismus. Konturen einer kritischen Theorie des Rechts (Berlin 2017) and most recently Die Überlegenheit der Unterlegenen. Eine Theorie der Gegengemeinschaften (Berlin 2024).




Vervoort, Tivadar, Lietje Bauwens, en Daniel Loick. 2024. “The Superiority of Surplus: An Interview With Daniel Loick”. Krisis | Tijdschrift Voor Hedendaagse Filosofie 44 (2):31-42.


