
An Activist Scholar’s Approach to Theorizing No Borders


  • Natasha Basu University of Amsterdam



Review of: Natasha King (2016) No Borders: The Politics of Immigration Control and Resistance. London: Zed Books, 196 pp.


Biografie auteur

Natasha Basu , University of Amsterdam

Natasha Basu is currently completing her PhD within the project Transformations of Civil Disobedience, under the supervision of Dr. Robin Celikates and Prof. dr. Beate Roessler. Her thesis seeks to critically rethink civil disobedience against the backdrop of political and economic globalization. In particular, it explores how predominant understandings of the “civil” in civil disobedience do not fully consider the experiences of certain marginalized groups and thereby inflict a type of hermeneutical injustice. In her research she uses a conceptual lens that combines feminist, migration, critical race theory, and postcolonial theories. Some of the cases that she has examined include: the civil disobedi-ence campaigns of Martin Luther King and Gandhi, citizen-smuggling in the case of unauthorized migration, and cases of feminist disobedience such as Pussy Riot, Seed/Water Satyagraha and the women only Umoja Village. She is a member of the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis, the Dutch Research School of Philosophy, and the Amsterdam Center for Globalization Studies. Prior to starting her PhD, she completed a MSc in Global Politics at the London School of Economics, with a focus on global civil society, and gender and globalization.




Basu , Natasha. 2019. “An Activist Scholar’s Approach to Theorizing No Borders”. Krisis | Tijdschrift Voor Hedendaagse Filosofie 39 (1):115-18.


