
Kettling and the ‘Distribution of the Sensible’. Investigating the Liminality of the Protesting Body in a Post-Political Age


  • Tina Managhan

Biografie auteur

Tina Managhan

Tina Managhan is a senior lecturer in International Relations at Oxford Brookes University. She specializes in the areas of critical security studies and identity politics. Her publications to date have variously engaged with the question of how individual and collective social bodies have negotiated, embodied and subverted predominant cultural meanings and practices in American and Canadian contexts - with implications for foreign policy practice and protest politics. Still interested in questions broadly pertaining to the security state and possibilities for resistance, her current Tina Managhan - Kettling and the ‘Distribution of the Sensible’ research interests have extended to include contemporary practices of policing in Western liberal democracies.




Managhan, Tina. 2012. “Kettling and the ‘Distribution of the Sensible’. Investigating the Liminality of the Protesting Body in a Post-Political Age”. Krisis | Tijdschrift Voor Hedendaagse Filosofie 32 (3):52-67.