
Technical Universities Beyond Marketization. Educating the Virtuous Engineer


  • Wessel Reijers

Biografie auteur

Wessel Reijers

Wessel Reijers (1989) studied Philosophy of Science, Technology and Society at the University of Twente (Netherlands). He is now active as a PhD researcher within the ADAPT Centre, in which he is responsible for identifying and analyzing the ethical issues relevant for the research that is conducted at the Centre. The research of the ADAPT Centre is concerned with a myriad of innovations that are all connected to digital content technologies; including innovations in natural language processing, multimodal interaction and linked data. Furthermore, Reijers is currently conducting research for the SATORI project, which aims to develop a common European framework for ethical assessment of research and innovation. He specializes in philosophy and ethics of technology.




Reijers, Wessel. 2015. “Technical Universities Beyond Marketization. Educating the Virtuous Engineer”. Krisis | Tijdschrift Voor Hedendaagse Filosofie 35 (2):99-106.