Book Reviews

Instrumentalizing Antisemitism: Review of The Politics of Unreason


  • Ido de Haan



Kritische Theorie, Horkheimer, Adorno, Antisemitism


Review of Lars Rensmann. 2017. The Politics of Unreason. The Frankfurt School and the Origins of Modern Antisemitism. Albany: State University of New York Press.

Author Biography

Ido de Haan



Ide de Haan is professor of political history at the University of Utrecht. He was a member of Krisis from 1993 untill 2003. He writes about the history and memory of large-scale violence - especially the Holocaust - , about history, theory and practice of democracy and the welfarestate, and abour political theory. Recently he published, together with Matthijs Lok, The Politics of Modernization in Modern European History (Cham: Palgrave Mac- millan 2019) and with Beatrice de Graaf and Brian Vick, Securing Europe after Napoleon - 1815 and the New European Security Culture (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2019). Together with Ewald Engelen he leads the research group Market Makers, about the history of neoliberalism in the Netherlands (http://neoliber- alisme nl/).



How to Cite

de Haan, Ido. 2021. “Instrumentalizing Antisemitism: Review of The Politics of Unreason”. Krisis | Journal for Contemporary Philosophy 41 (1):185-95.