
Experimenting the Listener. Sound Art and the Doing - Done to Audience


  • Ruth Benschop

Author Biography

Ruth Benschop

Ruth Benschop works at the Department of Technology & Society Studies at Maastricht University. Her PhD thesis (Unassuming Instruments: How to Trace the Tachistoscope in Experimental Psychology, 2001, University of Groningen) analyzes the role of technology in visual psychological experiments. The research of which this article is a part focuses on the role of recording technology in sound art. She has also published (International Journal of Cultural Studies 2006) on the way recording technology in sound art is not unequivocally used as storage device, and on interactivity in the work of sound artist Edwin van der Heide (Birdsall & Enns 2008). A chapter is forthcoming on the way technologically mediated sound art may evoke an experience of the past.



How to Cite

Benschop, Ruth. 2009. “Experimenting the Listener. Sound Art and the Doing - Done to Audience”. Krisis | Journal for Contemporary Philosophy 29 (1):33-45.


