
The Future of the New. An interview with Boris Groys


  • Thijs Lijster


Boris Groys (1947) is a philosopher, art critic and curator. He studied in Leningrad and Moscow, and did his PhD in Münster. He lectured in Vienna and Karlsruhe, and since 2005 is Global Distinguished Professor in the Faculty of Arts and Science, New York University. He published numerous books, including The Total Art of Stalinism (1992), Art Power (2008), Introduction to Antiphilosophy (2012), and In the Flow (2016).

Biografie auteur

Thijs Lijster

Thijs Lijster (1981) studied philosophy at the University of Groningen and the New School for Social Research in New York. Currently, he is assistant professor in the philosophy of art and culture at the University of Groningen, and postdoctoral researcher at the Culture Commons Quest Office of the University of Antwerp. He published De grote vlucht inwaarts (Bezige Bij, 2016) and Benjamin and Adorno on Art and Art Criticism. Critique of Art (Amsterdam University Press 2017), and coedited De kunst van kritiek. Adorno in context (Octavo 2015) and Spaces for Criticism. Shifts in Contemporary Art Discourses (Valiz 2015). This interview is a prepublication for the book The Future of the New. Artistic Innovation in Times of Social Acceleration, which is to be published by Valiz publishers in spring 2017.




Lijster, Thijs. 2018. “The Future of the New. An Interview With Boris Groys”. Krisis | Tijdschrift Voor Hedendaagse Filosofie 38 (1):85-97.


