
Beyond Metaphysical Realism. An Interview with Gianni Vattimo


  • René Gabriëls
  • Thijs Lijster

Author Biographies

René Gabriëls

René Gabriëls is editor of Krisis and works at Maastricht University.

Thijs Lijster

Thijs Lijster is assistant professor in the philosophy of art and culture at the University of Groningen, and postdoctoral researcher at the Culture Commons Quest Office of the University of Antwerp. He studied philosophy in Groningen and New York, and received his PhD at the University of Groningen in 2012. He was awarded with the ABG/VN Essay prize in 2009, the Dutch/Flemisch Prize for Young Art Critics in 2010, the NWO/Boekman dissertation prize in 2015, and the Essay Prize of the Royal Academy of Dutch Language and Literature (KANTL) in 2018. His publications include De grote vlucht inwaarts [The Great Leap Inward] (2016), Benjamin and Adorno on Art and Art Criticism (2017) and Kijken, proeven, denken [Seeing, Tasting, Thinking] (2019), and he was editor of the books Spaces for Criticism. Shifts in Contemporary Art Discourses (2015) and The Future of the New. Artistic Innovation in Times of Social Acceleration (2018).



How to Cite

Gabriëls, René, and Thijs Lijster. 2013. “Beyond Metaphysical Realism. An Interview With Gianni Vattimo”. Krisis | Journal for Contemporary Philosophy 33 (3):52-57.




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